FIA – Fire Island Association
The Fire Island Association, Inc. P.O. Box 424 Ocean Beach, NY 11770
The Davis Park Association is a member of the Fire Island Association (FIA).
FIA Website:
FIA – Fire Island Association on Facebook
Facts About Fire Island:
- 80% of Fire Island is public park land and will remain open and undeveloped space (That includes a National Seashore, a state park, a county park, and a couple of Town parks.)
- Only 20% of Fire Island is developed with approximately 4,000 usable lots in 17 small communities
- The 17 communities, through the Fire Island Association, were the primary movers to create the Fire Island National Seashore in 1964, which insured protection of all undeveloped land on the Island.
- Thirteen communities have standing erosion control taxing districts that pay for nourishing community beaches and dunes. These districts invest more than $1.5 million every year to build the barrier Fire Island at no cost to the general public outside of Fire Island.
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